Picasso Creative Writing Method: To execute, communicate and share our "CREATIVE MISSION" as set out below - *Comprehensive Creative Creativity with curated articles, posts, blogs and studies from around the world that support or relate to this rich inter-disciplinary approach to sustainable life-long creations and imagination.
Our "Creative Mission" is to foster a rich, interdisciplinary dialogue that will convey and forge new tools and applications for creative, critical and philosophical thinking; engaging the world in the process. Through workshops, tutorials and social media platforms we also strive to entertain, educate and empower people - from individuals, to businesses, governments or not-for-profit groups; we aim to guide them in building a base of constructive ideas, skills and a Brain Fit paradigm - thereby setting the stage for a sustainable, healthy, and creative approach and lifestyle . These synthesized strategic "Critical Success Factors" - can then give rise to applied long-term life or business - Operating Living Advantages and Benefits.
And, at the same time, we encourage Charlie Monger's key attitude and belief - for and with all of whom we reach - " develop into a lifelong self-learner through voracious reading; cultivate curiosity and strive to become a little wiser (and more grateful)* everyday."
* CCC Added - Editor
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Wednesday, 6 February 2019
Reality Check - Mainstream #Media is #FakeNews
The corporate-state media lives in terror that the truth will somehow leak out of the Corporate-Imperial fortress, imperiling their jobs and perks.
It's not exactly news that the Alternative Media is under assault: skeptical inquiry and dissenting narratives are smeared as "fake news," and new suspiciously corporate entities (NewsGuard et al.) claim to be "protecting" consumers from "fake news" as cover for their real agenda, which is limiting public exposure to skeptical, dissenting independent analysis.
Despite this semi-official censorship, we in the Alt-Media are having way more fun that the anxiety-ridden serfs in the Mainstream Media. There are many hard-working, honest journalists slaving away in the Mainstream (more accurately, the corporate-state) Media, but there's the neofeudal reality of their employment: If what they report undermines the ruling elites, they're not allowed to do their job.
MSM journalists have no agency: they report what they're told to report. They also have no control over what gets by their employers' editorial / corporate filters: question a big advertiser and your report will quietly be buried. Question the approved narrative and conclusion, and you'll be shunned, blacklisted, etc. If you make a fuss, you'll be let go in the next round of lay-offs.
Everyone who labors in the corporate-state media lives in fear of the truth getting out:hence the full-spectrum freak-out whenever an insider turns leaker / whistleblower: oops, the happy-story cover is blown and the ugly truth is now revealed, including the collusion of the corporate-state media. (In the U.S. PBS / NPR is the quasi-state media, analogous to Japan's NHK, Britain's BBC or France's France24.)
The corporate-state media lives in terror that the truth will somehow leak out of the corporate-Imperial fortress, imperiling their jobs and perks.Their job isn't to report any truth that lays waste to the self-serving interests of the ruling elites; their job is to protect the ruling elites by "reporting" politically-correct narratives and playing up culturally divisive incidents to distract the masses from any awareness of their political invisibility and lack of financial independence or agency.
The MSM's other job is to scrub any mass dissent from their "news." So for example, U.S. corporate-state media coverage of the yellow vest movement in France is near zero. This is not random; it is all part of skewing the "news" to meaningless controversies and fawning politically correct / approved narratives stories.
A working-class rebellion against political and financial invisibility is anathema to America's ruling elites and their corporate allies in the MSMand hence the minimal coverage. You basically have to understand French to follow on-the-ground Alt-Media coverage in France of the yellow vest protesters.
The American MSM dutifully regurgitates the bogus narrative being pushed by France's elitist corporate-state media, that the yellow vest protesters are violent and thus need to be crushed by overwhelming paramilitary force. That the protesters are being beaten and provoked to respond to state-ordered violence is left unreported.
We in Alt-Media are confident the truth will eventually come out despite the efforts of the ruling elites and their MSM / social media corporate minions.It's a lot more fun being on the side of skeptical inquiry and dissent than being behind the leaky dike, anxiously trying to stop the actual facts of the matter from entering the public awareness.
It's more fun being on the side of free inquiry and meaningful analysis than being on the side of censorship, fear-mongering, propagandistic sowing of discord and the promotion of the corporate-state party line.
You won't find any MSM reporting on the neofeudal structure of America's economy and society:
Disclaimer: The facts and opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. Picasso Creative Writing does not assume any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information in this article.
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Inspirations of passions
Make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life. An individual human existence should be like a river — small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past rocks and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being.